👨🏿‍💻 Why Software Engineers are the unsung heroes of this pandemic


Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Before I start, let me send some love to the heroes and sheroes on the frontlines. Thanks for working around the clock to save those afflicted by the virus — be it physically or emotionally.

Sharing this message with you is only possible because of the hard work and dedication that is an inherent trait of most programmers and system developers, the unsung heroes. I’ve personally spent 2 decades developing digital solutions that help ordinary people and corporations alike thrive online.

The solutions provided by software engineers have helped to save lives too. For example, many medical equipment are either controlled or monitored by an external or embedded software developed by one or more programmers.

A few months ago, Facebook rolled out new changes that were explicitly aimed at bringing us closer to each other during these difficult times and beyond. Software innovations have helped to help us connect with friends, family — and customers far and wide.

Creating software often means spending long hours behind a computer that in itself can be very challenging as it poses risks to one’s health. Some developers are also prone to staying indoors and not having a social life. Software creators are the true pioneers of working from home. We have been doing this for a lifetime or so.

I foresee software developers taking a more prominent role in this decade and as the human race advances. Especially now that AI-powered solutions are taking center stage to help everyone thrive online and offline through predictions and robust data analytics.

If you know a programmer tag them here.

#softwareengineering #technology #solutions #artficialintelligence.
