🛍 Why I quit selling!

Stalin wearing a Sox baseball cap

TLDR: The best way to sell is to stop selling.

I've searched high and low for the key to sales. 🏷

I've listened to coaches teaching all sorts of neat tricks on how to sell, but nothing worked for me.

Having an overly imaginative mind, I would take what they taught me and add what my ego would prescribe. 💊

I'm a smart guy, but why doesn't it work?


In one of the Matrix movies, the Architect mentioned something along the lines of — it required a lesser mind.

I had to dumb myself down to grasp the true essence of sales.


I don't need to sell — to sell.

Often we try to shove our beliefs and knowledge down other people's throats.

And people don't bite! 😬

Imagine if everyone you met someone, they immediately started selling you something.

That's the wrong way to do things.

My mind shuts down every time someone tries to pitch me and make our conversation all about themselves. 💭

I've done this to people too. It should be outlawed.

As entrepreneurs and marketers, we should learn to ask for permission. 🙏🏿

Romanticize your prospect. It's all about them, not you.

If someone needs your solution or product, they will buy it.

Your goal is to explain your product or service's benefits and results. 📈

And finally, hit them with a casual BTW if you ever need a hand feel free to hit me up before you say your goodbyes. ✌🏿

Stop chasing, start attracting. 🧲

It's all psychology. 🧘🏿‍♂️

Some of the best ads of all times only use two words or so. 📺

Think different! 🍏

Got Milk? 🍼

Google that! 🔍

It works like a charm. 

Honestly, that's the magic trick that the best sellers use. 🧙🏿‍♂️

And it had eluded me for a very long time. 👴🏿

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